Thursday, September 29, 2005

What breed of horse are you? Find out!
I know I know, this is totally unoriginal..haha...HAPPY HOUSE! SOOoo preteen-ish, but heck, can't I just be normal and kiddish for ONCE, try so hard to be myself and fit in then be myself and fit in then be myself and fit in...

I'm tired of all that crap. Ultimately, you'll just have to learn to answer to yourself. I'm sick of people trying to judge and assume different things about what I do.

Anyways, i think SAM was a success for the first night. Alhamdulillah. Yet another night to follow through with it all :)

MODERATION IN ISLAM talk this thursday (6-9pm YIH function room)with professor Hussein from political science department-it's gonna be superb i tell you,he's given many many talks like this before and this would be the first in NUS for NUS students he's also the director for Islamic strategic studies in SEA...So if you're interested to know an expert's take on Islam within the region, please sign up with us

I think it's time for me to turn theory into practical.

And i think the playlist thingy is wayyy cool. haha. suits my different modes and terrible moodswings, especially now.

Monday, September 26, 2005

I was debating about whether I should put this up coz it seems kinda mean when you think of it but well maybe you peeps have a different take on it so this is what happened today that started off a semi-bad day and then later in the time to come...

*JUst had a bad day* :)

So I was walking happily down clementi walkway to the mrt station when this guy asking for donations laughed while looking in my direction-ok i felt a bit funny coz i was wearing a bright pink flowery dress that stood out from the mundane colours that people wear on a bright n cheery sunday afternoon(the horror, ishishish)-so okay lah nak laugh nvm tak kisah you can think whatever you want I'm wearing this to cheer myself up coz i felt sick in the morning and wanted to feel better about myself.

So as I passed him and his donation i heard the request-'Kak, nak donate?' in a slightly over-friendly tone and a slightly over-bearing facial expression. Quite frightening actually. So i just react to what I would do in trying to wriggle out of that uncomfortable situation (and slight self-defense) -half smile while not looking directly at the person.

Then I heard: "Sombong seh."

And THAT, my dear people who are still with me, is what got me really pissed.

LIke Excuse me, Mister.

Firstly, yOu are out here, doing a service for so and so charitable organisation with the intention to improve the welfare of the people in the long run. Your intention would be to approach people with the sincerity of asking them to help out. Any other intentions would be secondary, if favourable at all.

Secondly you're willingly helping out and you don't EXPECT people to donate, that's a right of theirs whether they would want to donate or not.

And thirdly, what's with guys calling girls in tudung kak when asking for donations? I know its supposed to be a respectable thing but i find it plain irritating, especially when they're obviously so much older than me. Just a simple salam would do. Just cause everyone else does it doesn't make it favourable. Be original sikit lah, and do what is right, not cause everyone else deems it to be alright.

Ah and that was my first huff for the day.

And btw I think working with Kak Aishah totally rocks.

so...Alhamdulillah. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Happy happy :) Alhamdulillah...

For the first time after stepping in NUS, the feeling that I've dreamt I should feel when coming in for classes was felt. [Oh goodness, what distorted english.] But I really couldn't help smiling to myself during arabic classes. The atmosphere of people united learning together towards a particular cause, so close to what we really ought to focus on, in a place of God, felt really blissful...and I really thank God for the experience of letting us hold it for the rest of the students in NUS...ok so that went well.

Other school stuff gets me pretty busy but I guess it's alright...

Schoolwork...getting down to the grind...but still so much to do....

And went out with my dearest gurlfrens on friday! Sha, Farah, Marsie!! Miss people I could really have a warm heart to heart sessio to and talk crap at the same time. hehe. Farah's classic reactions to stories. Sha's hilarious stories. And Mars' warm aura. hehe. I really had a good time...thanks you babes! *hugs*

Had an intellectual discussion with Adila mohc on sunday coz we missed ugama class and walked all ard kallang instead. hehe. Same old that gurl. Really had a good brain wrecking session, felt so understood then. hehe.


1. It's best if you know what to give to people who are willing to receive and know how to accept what people give you. The remaining spaces are for you to fill in.

2. Life's like this:
Learn and explore A dynamically.
Explain A to others.
Work towards a better A when challenged.
-Where A can be religion, culture, your take on friendships, anything.

Friday, September 16, 2005

This has been on my mind for a long time

Mereka berkata bangsa kami kolot, tidak halus bersaing mengikut arus persaingan yang menyalut penduduk negara kita. Ugama tidak lain tidak bukan menjadi mangsa jua. Kesedihan yang amat terserlah adalah yang mendapati kritikan dan komen ini semua tiada penyedaran mengenai apa yang diperkatakan oleh mereka dan tiada kuasa sungguh untuk menukar apa yang dialami mereka. Sedih sungguh, bukan? Inilah umat kami, saudara, darah danging dan rakan sejinak kami. Siapakah yang akan menyelamatkan kami semua? Siapakah pendekar yang kami telah menunggu dan akan menyerah bakti selama ini? Oh, bukan kami, tidak, kami tidak berkuasa apa-apa pun, kami hanya hidup untuk diri kami sendiri. Bukan itu suatu kepentingan dalam hidup seseorang itu? Quality of life? The right to express oneself, to do as you please to? Apa yang orang lain lakukan, itu masalah mereka, bukan? Siapa kata kami berhak untuk menukar nasib, arus kehidupan mereka? So what if they end up in rehab centres,
suffer from broken marriages and God knows what else? The proportion of people who have problems way overcome those that have the time and means to solve them. And it totally doesn't concerm me, right?

Well, I guess not. Until it really hits home.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


It's amazing that even when work is piling up I still have time to blog. Eurgh.

Everyone's studying like mad. Drives me nuts sometimes, cooped up in this mental nutcased shell called school. Everyone's chasing after the same things, don't you stop and wonder where all this is leading to? What are you workin so hard for?

And everyone would tell me to shut up and get back to work, the work that I've been slacking off. Seriously, I know I haven't been doing as well as I should. Boo-hoo to me.

Anyways, it's hit me before, but it hit me harder today: I wanna do reasearch. Not scientific research just for the sake of doing it but I guess more into research into religion and trying to link it back to science. Yea.

So I have an ambition see. It's just about moving on from philospphising about it and getting it straight into the realm of reality.

Eurgh. Butt-off-to-work-now....

Monday, September 12, 2005

Let's not criticise and comment shall we? it's so easy to criticise and pick on other's bad traits so much so that it becomes an obsession, a point on which our whole life revolves around. Which makes it a crap of a life to live.

So i'ld like to generalise instead. It's rather sad if friends are treated as mere pawns in one's life, to let them play thier respective roles as one deems fit to in one's life, and discarded upon their non-importance relative to one.

I hope no matter where one goes, people are treated in their every right to be and act as their individual selves, and appreciated deeply for who they really are.

I guess this whole drama has taught me that, at least. Be true to who you are and what you do and how you treat others too. Coz ultimately, it'll all come back to you.

ANYWAY. Had a good week past. many many things learnt, all not rosy and sweet anymore. I guess when I picked up the role I was a little starry-eyed. And now it's harder than I thought. But i guess we just have to keep learning from what we've yet to learn right?

And i do like spending time on my own up to a certain point. Give me time to reflect upon my own perspectives without others' thoughts clouding my judgement. But i miss people too much :) been ctaching up thou.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The more you know...

I am a d20

Take the quiz at

Anyways, seem to lack words to describe what I'm going through.
But I'm relatively happy :) so yeay :)

Sunday, September 04, 2005


“It’s About Life....”

Life is about experiences, which makes us to grow;
According to time and situations, it flows.

Sometimes everything seems clear and perfect,
Sometimes, it’s all haze;
Maybe, life is a maze,
Every time, it leaves us amazed.

Not everyone in life, gets everything.
Sometimes, You lose even by gaining, and gain, even by losing.
Why cry for losing something, which we never owned.
Life doesn't stop by accidents;
Else, the world would have ended.

Anyone can sympathize with ours hurts,
But, its only we bleed when it hurts.
Why should our life depend on someone, for happiness?
It’s we, who create our own happiness...

Even in whole life, for someone, you change our ways;
At the end of day, with you, only your shadow stays.
The world may seem beautiful, and people influence by charm;
But, in times of need, it’s our own hand, at the end of our arm.

Love and relations, are like sand,
Which we try to hold in our hand;
The more we want them to stay, the more they slip away.

Let no one and nothing control you,
Come what may; Let you, only your faith in God’s way.

Things that are just part of life,
Must be kept that way.
If we make them life, by mistake;
Heart is bound to break.

Today may seem faint and dull,
Compared to beautiful past;
But, tomorrow will bring beautiful moments to last.

Why look for a shoulder to cry on,
And support from someone;
One moment people are around, next moment gone;
Fact is, He’s the strongest man in life, who stands on his own...all alone.

Whenever in life, things seem to slip out of your hands;
Give it in God’s hands,
Since, everything is safe in his hands.

After every sunset of hurts and despair,
There's a new sunrise of hopes and prayer.

It takes both rain and sunshine to make rainbows,
And like a spring, life always flows;
Even after a bright day ends,
Still in the dark night sky, stars and moon glows....

Akramulla Syed

The good ol' days

Why is it that when you were in jc, you reminiscence about sec sch, and when you're in uni, you reminiscence about jc?

I guess as the years get progressively tougher, you appreciate more of the innocence and idealism back then.

I miss jc... haha even though i really hated it at first, now I really appreciate it for giving me an alternative perspective of life that rg gave me...

The times crapping during P.E. on the field, through tough times with Barnabas, haha, never could understand how we always got her on her moodiest days, but we did, and we SURVIVED the mental torture together, laughing & rolling ourselves silly playing netball or throwing the javelin at various horrible angles, softball that made us go all philosophical on the ball and strikes...Handsome colonel Lee with his great volleyball techniques, which made us be able to play decently and inspire greatly we decided to have our own volleyball team, which got crushed horribly by other teams, haha...and sneaking around school past the gates wayyy after breaktime, the art of it mastered by clara, our very own pretty councillor, got proposals even into second week of term haha...Shrieking with laughter at the idea of 6 guys changing together in the handicap toilet , in class at small things, at morning assembly, after school...

I guess tpj showed me that there are people out there who have different priorities, and they can still be very happy. I know it sounds obvious, but well... seeing so many people who can slack so badly at all exams and yet be so happy in general really makes you wonder if they've got something going for them that you don't realise.

Yet I appreciated more the times in rg when i eally felt that knowledge was pursued for a reason, for a greater purpose, rather than simply just for passing exams. Get what I mean? Alternative perspectives.

I guess being in extreme environments (somewhat..haha) have always made me the odd one out, the one from the outside looking in. So...that's part of who I am I guess...*shurgs*