Friday, February 24, 2006

Ok i finally caved in! haha.

do let me know who you are thou! =) then i'll do yours!! wayy cool rite?

oh and i wanted to write a poem tt went sthg like this:

shucks. pantun-fright. arhhh!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Piece of Life

Was having an internship meeting yesterday morning and it just struck me how vulnerable the whole project was. We've never tried it out before and it's totally brand new, all theory and not yet put into practical. Yet at the same time, most of those working on it do believe in it, and so do I, and as such I have strong faith that thing would work out.

I mean, ideally, isn't all that we do based on working towards ideals? That particular mindframe, state of mind, idea of how things should be run? That we strive hard in our lives, personal goals, relationships, studies, outside stuff such as this, to ensure that what we can do to make things the way we feel they should be implemented into our lives and our surroundings?

Thinking about it, MS and any other organisation is really a platform to try out your ideas, cause even when you say community service, but wouldn't that be UNDER an external organisation, and you'd be running under their agenda rather than your own? Where else can you get together with a group of like minded friends to push forward what you collectively believe in? To set your own agenda, push forward together and strive for what you all think is good all around? To bring forth your OWN ideas for society.

Thus my dear juniors, don't be disheartened from the past if some things/events don't work out the way you want it to be. If you've got ideas/suggestions and changes you'd want to implement, don't let anything stop you. Step forward, be brave and work together with your peers to make it happen..the way you want it to be. This is all about YOU, all about US trying to make a difference. Cause isn't life all about striving for what we believe in is right?

Ultimately, the one who will make the change is the one who dares to take risks, step forward and go the extra mile to make things happen.. with that particular idea in mind to make it happen, with calculated risks and sound judgement..

And you'll always have your peers to support you..

Monday, February 20, 2006


i love people who are honest to me. Who know that despite what no matter what happens, sometimes it's more important for the truth to happen and be out then for me(and many others) to be living my life without that extra guidance from a true friend.

Thanks filzah:) and thanks sha for setting that beautiful're inspiring just being who you are, and i'm really glad you did what you did..*hugs*hehe=) dun be so overwhelmed k..relax..

i realise it now, that i've got to be so much braver and stronger than who i really am right now..and definitely for the very right reasons..not just to make things work the way i believe they should be but for the bigger purpose..all for Him...

In pieces.

I can practically DIE of guilt right now..Did sthg that I SO wasn't supposed to do..Totally made the wrong decision and made the wrong moves..this is definitely one example when agression totally didn't play a part..screw what they taught us..ppl aren't necessarily as agressive with what they think when they ought to be...ARGH! And ultimately the one to blame is the one who put front the idea..don't u watch the apprentice?

I'm feeling rather *beep* at the way things are right now, and depressed that things can't change so easily.

But I do realise that ultimately it's really not abt me at all, but the whole set up of things.

And this is what I want, but not what I expect..totally...I'm happy but not in bliss..maybe we're both takin too much of calculated risks..and i can't bail out coz for once there's no valid reason to do so..

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Confuscious said...

Forewarned: This is gonna get messy, as the author just wants to get her thoughts out to ppl whom whe won't meet in due time coz of their respective busy schedules and so it's not a pretty pretty post but more of a random update.


Today was such a good day! And so was yesterday!
I hate having good days coz if i'm not careful it'll taper off to slackerish-dom and everything would go tongang terbalik!

my definition of a good day is anyhow when i manage to do what i wanna on tt day itself as well as manage to look out for considerable possibilities of what i wanna do next for time ahead.
usually it involves people..i like making connections with people and knowing tt sthg constructive came out of my interactions with them.
and doing new things...i guess only my sec sch frens can really understand the extent of the change within me..sometimes i feel that time is just running so short to do all that i wanna do!


1) it's so easy to criticise but not to do, so easy to manage but not to lead, so easy to think but not to implement.
2) i can get super bossy at times and i'm really sorry to those people tt I mught have turned off. EQ, EQ, EQ.
3) self regulation.speaks for itself.keep thinking, keep improving, keep doing.
4) i think i might be moving too fast.and sometimes what u thought u knew aint seem so familiar anymore. i dont wanna lose friendships and yes the bond might be fractured and maybe the ideal picture i had of us all growing old together and sharing bonding stories aint so clear anymore but i think people change and have to set their priorities right based on what they feel is impt..but can ppl still be close when their values and priorities change so much? i mean ultimately its all abt the communication right?
5) i wanted to do the window on mars' blog but my version but knowing me i'll take so much time analysing everythin and i'd end up getting even more confused than giving me a clearer pict of who i am. MUAHA.
6) i dont know how u can feel comfortable with someone tt u barely know, even more so than frens uve known much longer, but i guess tt happens. but i dun wanna think too mugh abt it now.

ok tt last pt wasnt really a reflection, anyhows i'll be mugging in sci lib 24/7 next few days so care to drop by and join me if u wish. ta!!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Spread the love.

Beautiful day. I love the people around me. =)

Everyone has their own strengths, you just have to learn and appreciate them for who they are.

LOve love loVe. =)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Wake up call

She turned to me and asked,"Are you gonna S/U this module?" Which translates to: ARe you going to take this module seriously, cause if you're not, i think we have some serious negotiation to do here.

I guess I shouldn't be so stunned by her blatant question. It's been like that since the beginning of time. Only people move at a faster speed nowadays.

Your importance is measured by what you can give to people, whether it's intentional or not, your actions, deeds and involvement with them has to be a positive impact on them. Friendships have suffered in the past cause of neglect and too much negative criticism...

So yea.

And to you please, no games. I know where I stand. For now. :)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nursery rhyme

It doesn't matter what they think
It doesn't matter what they say
As long as I'm happy with my life
I'm not going throught with it all the way.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Random things tt matter

I have a million and one things to do right now, and people pulling me in all directions. Yesterday morning woke and stared at the ceiling for fifteen whole minutes redrawing out my four concentric circles of priorities.

But it still didnt end out on the right note..hmm..prolly coz i didnt get much done after I left for school...;( I have to be consistent this sem and not imagine for some miracle wonderous extra brain implanted just before term tests and exams..

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


should we help those that blatantly need help, or those that dont think they do need help but somehow we can advance their lives so that there will be more people like them to help others who'd need help?

i find it awkward to ignore someone tt I know from previous encounters, but if that particular someone has been ignoring me for the past one and a half years everytime we meet, what make's me think this time would be any different? there's only sucha level tt anyone can take, and furthermore, i just kinda realised tt for frens to happen, the effort has to be mutual. so mutual it is.

execution was good, planning i have no idea yet, and personally i think things could have been done better on my part. but its always the case isnt it. saw many cases of damsels in distress. and got really irritated by a few huge male egos.

i hate (gender) stereotypes, since i've been breaking them from the day I was born.

Here I go again. berbelit-ing.

Everything takes time. Children grow and learn, societies evolve (for better or worse), seasons change...ok la ok la i've lost my point.

All I'm saying is this hasnt been occuring just coz it's happened at this moment in time. It's a process, a system that has been passed down for the last few years. Don't you think we're all aware of it? Don't you see how hard it is for the system, for a whole organisation to change it's way of working just like that? I hate to put the blame on anyone, and as those most in control of the situation, the power to change is rightfully and moralistically ours to acknowledge.

Yet things have to been seen in the context of the situation and personalities that brought about the 'crisis' so called.

Personally, I've always taken the backseat to a strong way of working. I've always let others taken charge when things are going right, and only move forward if i see no one else is doing the job or when ive been told to do sthg. like in rgs, in tpjc drama, interact...I guess I've only woken up when I left jc.

Now things are different and I'm still learning. From the way I see it, we can either run forward or sink. as the ones before us did.

but while we're at it, trust us that we'd put in our heart and soul.