Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"Secure attachment results if the caregiver is readily available and
responsive when the child seeks attachment, anxious/ambivalent
attachment results if the caregiver is inconsistently available or
responsive when the child seeks attachment, and avoidant attachment
results if the caregiver neglects or rejects the child’s entreaties
for attachment. These attachment styles are theorized to be
systematically linked to exploration. Secure attachment is hypothesized
to allow the child to explore the environment in unimpeded
fashion, because the child expects the caregiver to be available and
responsive when needed (i.e., the caregiver serves as a secure
base). Both types of insecure attachment, avoidant and anxious/
ambivalent, are thought to hamper exploration."

-Elliot & Reis.(2003) Attachment and Exploration in Adulthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

So if you extend and draw paralells this relationship between mother and child to our relationship between God and ourselves, we can see that if we are secure and believe strongly in our role as vicegerants of Allah who are responsible for the well-being of mankind and all other creatures on Earth, only then we can grow and develop in a particular direction.

The inverse of that secure position explains much of confusion that will probably never end.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Towards Understanding the Quran

Taken from 'Towards Understanding the Quran', abridged version of 'Tahfim al-Quran' by Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi. Originally in Urdu, it was translated into english by Zafar Ishaq Ansari.

The student of the Quran should grasp, from the outset, the fundamental claims that the Quran makes for itself. Whether one ultimately decides to believe in the Quran or not, one must recognise the fundamental statements made by the Quran and by the man to whom it was revealed, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), to be the starting point of one's study. These claims are:

1. The Lord of creation, the Creator and Sovereign of the entire universe, created man on earth (which is merely a part of His boundless realm). He also endowed man with the capacity for cognition, reflection and understanding, with the ability to distinguish between good and evil, with the freedom of choice and volition, and with the power to exercise upon his latent potentialities. In short, God bestowed upon man a kind of autonomy and appointed him His vicegerent on earth.

2. Although man enjoys this status, God made it abundantly clear to him that He alone is man's Lord and Sovereign, even as He is the Lord and Sovereign of the whole universe. Man was told that he was not entitled to consider himself independent and that only God was entitled to claim absolute obedience, service and worship. It was also made clear to man that life in this world, for which he had been placed and invested with a certain honour and authority, was in fact a temporary term, and was meant to test him; that after the end of this earthly life man must return to God, Who will judge him on the basis of his performance, declaring who has succeeded and who has failed.

The right way for man is to regard God as his only Sovereign and the only object of his worship and adoration, to follow the guidance revealed by God, to act in this world in the consciousness that earthly life is merely a period of trial, and to keep his eyes fixed on the ultimate objective-success in God's final judgement. Every other way is wrong.

It was also explained to man that if he chose to adopt the right way of life- and in this choice he was free-he would enjoy peace and contentment in this world and be assigned, on his return to God, the abode of eternal bliss and happiness known as paradise. Should man follow any other way-and he was free to do so-he would experience the evil effects of corruption and disorder in the life of this world and be consigned to the eternal grief and torment when he crossed the borders of the present world and arrived in the Hereafter.

3. Having explained all this, the Lord of the Universe placed man on earth and communicated to Adam and Eve, the first human beings to live on earth, the guidance which they and their offspring were required to follow. These first human beings were not born out of a state of ignorance and darkness. On the contrary, they began their life in the broad daylight of Divine Guidance. They had intimate knowledge of reality and the Law which they were to follow was communicated to them. Their way of life consisted of their obedience to God (i.e. Islam) and they taught their children to live in obedience to Him (i.e. to live as Muslims).

In the course of time, however, man began to deviate from the true way of life and began to follow various erroneous ways. They allowed true guidance to be lost through heedlessness and negligence and sometimes, even deliberately, distorted it out of evil perversity. They associated with God a number of beings, human and non-human, real as well as imaginary, and adored them as deities. They adulterated the God-given knowledge of reality, (al-'ilm in the Quranic terminology) with all kinds of fanciful ideas, superstitions and philosophical concepts, thereby giving birth to innumerable religions. They disregarded or distorted the sound and equitable principles of individual morality and of the collective conduct (al-Shari'ah in the Quranic terminology) and made their own laws in accordance with their base desires and prejudices. As a result, the world became filled with wrong and injustice.

4. It was inconsistent with the limited autonomy conferred upon man by God that He should exercise His overwhelming power and compel man to righteousness. It was also inconsistent with the fact that God had granted a term to the human species in which to show their worth, that He should afflict men with catastrophic destruction as soon as they showed signs of rebellion. Moreover, God had undertaken from the beginning of creation that true guidance would be made available to man throughout the term granted to him and that this guidance would be available in a manner consistent with man's autonomy. To fulfil this self-assumed responsibility God chose to appoint those human beings whose faith in Him was outstanding and who followed the way pleasing to Him. God chose these people to be His envoys. He had His messages communicated to them, honoured them with an intimate knowledge of reality, provided them with the true laws of life and entrusted them with the task of recalling man to the original path from which he had strayed. These men were Prophets and Messengers of God.

5. These people were sent to different peoples of different lands and over a period of time covering thousands and thousands of years. They all had the same religion; the one originally revealed to man as the right way for him. All of them followed the same guidance; those principles of morality and collective life prescribed for man at the very outset of his existence. All these Prophets had the same mission-to call man to this true religion and subsequently to organise all who accepted this message into a community (ummah) which would be bound by the Law of God, which would strive to establish its observance and would seek to prevent its violation. All the Prophets discharged their missions creditably in their own time. However, there were always many who refused to accept their guidance and consequently those who did accept it and became a 'Muslim' community gradually degenerated, causing the Divine Guidance either to be lost, distorted or adulterated.

The word Muslim represents a group of people committed to obeying the true guidance of God as revealed to His Prophets. Here the word "Muslim" is not used in the sense of followers of the last Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him), but in the wider sense, meaning all those who, at various periods, both before and after the advent of the Last Prophet, committed themselves to live in submission to God.

6. At last the Lord of the Universe sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Arabia and entrusted him with the same mission that He had entrusted to the earler Prophets. This last Messenger of God addressed the followers of the earlier Prophets (who had by this time deviated from their original teachings) as well as the rest of humanity. The mission of each Prophet was to call men to the right way of life, to communicate God's true guidance afresh and to organise into one community all who responded to his mission and accepted the guidance vouchsafed to him. Such a community was to be dedicated to the two-fold task of moulding its own life in accordance with God's guidance and striving for the reform of the world. The Quran is the Book which embodies this mission and guidance revealed by God to Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Ignorance, Indifference or Intelligence...Which will you choose?

Okay, so among my youtube forays, I came across this account that seeks to misconstrue Islam in a really horrid light. It can't be that bad...you say? Ok well see for yourself: check out this profile on youtube: Tottingcowboy.

So amidst the comments that were villified, one-sided and completely and utterly shameless in bashing up Islam WITHOUT any positive note towards their religion, I decided to ask him why he was doing this.

To: TottingCowboy
Subject: hello 30 Apr 2008

okay, I come in peace.

Just a simple question to prove my point.

Why do you have to put down Islam just to bring up yourself and your religion? It's simply letting people have a very negative view of yourself and what you believe in, and sympathise with Muslims all the more. Honestly, I really don't see what you're trying to prove through your actions. Propagate love and the goodness of your religion all you wish, but not hatred for others.

A concerned fellow human being.

Attached: Re: Fitna the Movie: Geert Wilders' film about the Quran part 2

Soon after I received an email from him. And I was totally bracing myself for facts, clarity of thinking and at the very least a concise argument of where he was coming from. Instead, there was an emotional:

From: TottingCowboy
Re: hello 30 Apr 2008
Its not for my glory, I simply tell the truth. When I say Islam is violent, satanic, disgusting I have proofs from the Quran and sunnah to back up my arguments.

LOL. Very, very convincing my friend.

To: TottingCowboy
Re: hello 30 Apr 2008
you do not answer my question and my main arguement, which is how does denouncing other religions create a better impression of you and what you stand for? This method that you are undertaking and most of the comments that I have seen propagate hate, which seems that those are the values that you profess, and the values of the religion that you believe in.

I only want enlightenment to come to you and see that examplary conduct is the best way to convince others of your religion.

And as for proof of a very kindly example, do allow me to quote from the Quran:

Surah Al-Tur: 29-37

29: So exhort (reasons from them and clarify their doubts and clear their minds of ignorance) O Prophet, for by your Lord's Grace, you are neither a madman nor a soothsayer.

30: Or do they say: "He is a poet for whom we await an adverse turn of fortune".

31: Tell them: "Wait, I too am waiting with you."

32: Do their minds prompt them to say such things, or are they a people immersed in transgression?"

33: Do they say: "He has himself fabricated the Quran?" No; the truth is that they are altogether adverse to believing.

34: (If theyare truthful in this), then let them produce a discourse of similar splendour,

35: Did they come into being without any creator? Or were they their own creators?

In my own words, I think the Quran is saying, in morden day terms:

BRING IT ON, HONEY, because you simply cannot produce a holistic book, as thorough, complete and true in terms of spiritual, moral and social guidance as the Quran has.

Learn about it carefully from the truest sources before you judge.
How do you know which are the right sources?

Let me help you by giving you some below:

Some online resources:

Tariq Ramadhan, an eminent Cambridge Muslim Scholar:

An article on Yusuf Qardawi, another eminent Muslim scholar from the west:

Online Islamic learning websites:

freelance islamic education websites:

P.s. Attached is a video of Allah's attributes. You may acknowledge through the video that a rock god can't have even a minute fraction of any one of those attributes stated. :) Please reflect and be honest to yourself.

Peace, love and everything that is good for you,
May Allah bless you and your companions,

A sincerely concerned friend
Sami Yusuf - Asma Allah
Asma Allah by Sami Yusuf from his new album 'Without You' due out in August 08 سامي يوسف - أسماء الله

Two hours later, a reply:

From: TottingCowboy
Re: hello 30 Apr 2008

Muhammads quran (actually Uthmans) is nothing but uncoherent poetry that he copied from the satanic talmud. A group of ex Muslim Imams have already taken up this challenge and have produced a book like it, and its much more coherent might I add and flows beautifully in Arabic.

Here is a link to this amazing rendition http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_hWGn7gQzQ


The satanic talmud? Who in the world keeps a copy of that? LOL. All I know is the jewish talmud, and boy, they're a bunch of very intelligent people. Why would they follow a satanic book?
And I suppose these ex-Muslim imams have nothing better to do??
Ok, so he replied to my last point, but still, not my first point.
Anyway, if you do follow the link, the book is a complete JOKE. Please don't even if you have the time. It'll only give that link more hits. Right now it stands at a pathetic 300. For a book that stands truer than the Quran, it doesn't get much coverage aye.

To: TottingCowboy

Re: hello 01 May 2008
ok, firstly, you have avoided my question directed towards you. This proves that you cannot comprehend a single question in its entirety and respond to it in a clear, concise and coherent manner. It follows thus that you have also not fully grasped and are not capable of grasping the true meaning of other logical, coherent and well-meaning arguments for Islam.

Which essentially means that all that you claim and say is absolutely ridiculous. This is, following a logical argument that (1)you cannot understand a simple claim and (2)forsee a simple answer to a very simple question, your logical reasoning and critical thinking is flawed. You cannot rectify and give credibility to your actions. This simply denounces and does not give any meaning in all that you do.

I pity you my friend.

Secondly, the link you have given me has 300 views, mostly I believe from you. It sounds horrible and not even a franction close to the real imams like Misyari. I understand little arabic, essentially for prayer and dua, but from your claims and general analysis of your background, you probably know none at all. To my very simple hearing of well-versed arabic, it already sounds painful and totally insulting even to the intelligence of the imam reading it. As you claim, and again to my logical mind, no former Imam, of great character and vision, would denounce a religion that he left if he's been guided to the right one in your case, Christianity. It just attests to a central flaw in their character and logical reasoning that they would denounce a religion so wholesome and very much like theirs in practice. What I'm trying to say is that even I believe your practitioners (these so called former Imams) are above doing this.

Please watch the videos I send you. They're very meaningful and hope they'd touch your heart someday. May Allah bless you and fulfill your wishes to find guidance, beauty, wholesomeness and truth in this world and the hereafter. Amin.

Following this, I shall put up this email correspondence in a link and put it up whenever you post deconstructive comments about Islam on youtube in the future. Thus all that you say and do in the future will be linked to this conversation that we had, and would seek to undermine your credibility as a rationale, thinking person as well-versed in Islam as you claim.

It shall then be for others reading your comments to judge on their validity and reply in an intelligent and well-versed manner.

Attached: Surah al-Fatihah & al-Baqara by Sheikh Muhammad Siddîq Al-Mi
A beautiful mujawwad recitation of surah al-Fatihah and the first few verses of surah al-Baqara by one of the greatest Qaris of all-time, Sheikh Minshawi(May Allah have mercy upon him). Arabic, English and transliteration provided.

Let's try to combat ideological indifference or worse, ignorance through intelligent debate and knowledge. I was hoping that tottingcowboy would bring me questions and queries that I can bug my religious teachers with. To widen my own perspectives and bridge further understanding. Well, I was severely disappointed. He's really not worth any hate comments on youtube. He's not worthy of any attention at all.

Thinking Styles in the Quran

I picked up this book from the library:

Creative Thinking: An Islamic Perspective by Jamal Badi, Mustapha Tajdin

It covered pretty much higher thinking thought processes that we as students undergo in schools and universities. It aims basically to align our thoughts towards Allah via understanding the contents of the Quran that adress approaches to thinking and learning.

One fascinating chapter, "Thinking Styles in the Quran" explains that different thinking styles used in the Quran is a mode of expressing it's true message to reach out to a wide scope of intellectual cultures. These thinking styles are also used to fulfil certain objectives to widen the scope of human perception to have a much better understanding of the Quranic message.

In addition to this, thinking styles of the quran is complementary to, but not limited to, learning about the world around us via (1) our five senses and (2) moral intuition or conscience.

Anyway the first thinking style mentioned in the book was:

(1) Inquisitive thinking style of asking questions getting people to think and question the world around them.

Surah Al-Tur Ayat 29-43

29: So exhort (reasons from them and clarify their doubts and clear their minds of ignorance) O Prophet, for by your Lord's Grace, you are neither a madman nor a soothsayer.

30: Or do they say: "He is a poet for whom we await an adverse turn of fortune".

31: Tell them: "Wait, I too am waiting with you."

32: Do their minds prompt them to say such things, or are they a people immersed in transgression?"

33: Do they say: "He has himself fabricated the Quran?" No; the truth is that they are altogether adverse to believing.

34: (If theyare truthful in this), then let them produce a discourse of similar splendour,

35: Did they come into being without any creator? Or were they their own creators?

36: Or is it they who created the heavens and the earth? No; the truth is that they lack sure faith.

37: Or do they have your Lord's treasures in their keeping? Or have absolute authority over them?

38: Or do they have a ladder whereon they can climb and attempt to listen (to what is transpiring in the Higher Realm)? Then, let any one of them who has listened to it produce a clear proof of it.

39: Or does Allah have daughters whereas you have sons?

40: Or is it that you ask of them any recompense so that they should fear to be weighed down under the burden of debt?

41: Or is it that they have access to (the Truths in) the realm beyond sense-perception which they are writing down?

42: Or are they contriving a strategem against you? If so, that strategem will rebound against the unbelievers.

43: Do they have any god other than Allah? Exhalted be Allah above whatever they associate (with Him in His Divinity).

Other surahs that cover inquisitive thinking styles:

Surah An-Nisa Ayat 97

Surah Al-Kahf Ayat 49

Surah Al-Isra' Ayat 40

Surah Al-A'raf Ayat 172 & 155

Surah Fatin Ayat 3 & 44

Surah Al-Baqara Ayat 28, 255, 258

As-Saffat Ayat 95

Surah Yunus Ayat 35 & 42

Other thinking styles found in the Quran:

(2) Objective thinking style
(3) Positive thinking style
(4) Hypothetical thinking
(5) Rational thinking
(6) Reflective thinking
(7) Visual thinking
(8) Metaphorical thinking
(9) Analogical thinking
(10) Emotional thinking
(11) Perceptual thinking
(12) Conceptual thinking
(13) Intuitive thinking

InsyaAllah I'll type out what was stated in the book, together with Quranic translations and commentaries. One last bit of information to ponder about:

The very first word that was reveal to Muhammad through the angel Jibril was "Iqra", which can be translated into "read!" or "recite or rehearse!" or "proclaim aloud!" Allah's message.

This was message for Muhammad, but for us, (in my own words) in following his benovelent example, has at least 3 meanings:

(1) Seek true knowledge that would reaffirm your faith
(2) Apply that knowledge into your daily lives and dealings with others
(3) venture forth to share this knowledge with others.

All quranic translations taken from:

The Holy Quran: Text, translation and commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
& Towards Understanding the Quran, Abridged version of Tafhim al-Quran by Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi. Translated and Edited by Zafar Ishaq Ansari