Sunday, June 19, 2005


wanted to make this entry sound cheem but waddaheck lemme just place this out...

trying to make the full use of my time during these hols, and when the term starts gonna go full blast...i just have to stop caring so much about what i think other's think of my intentions coz in the end what they think don't matter at all lah so who cares lah ryte

feeling blurry coz im supposed to write all this out quickly as theres a looong week ahead of me

went for my mommy's cousin's wedding just now...yerp, the third generation of the karnawi clan isnt even off and married yet, the youngest is just two years older than me, that's a result of my grandma being the eldest and my mom being the first of all her siblings to get basically, apart from realising I'm the first grandchild, i just realised im the first great gandchild too..hahaha. geez. used to be pressurising but hey, take what you have beb.

anyway i think the wedding was fun :) met up with all my relatives on my maternal grandma's side and a few extras...aint close to my mom's cousins thou, never could know why i can't get close to guys who are justa few years older than's just wierd. anyway my little cutesie cousins are still round and cutesie...sheesh i hope they never ever will grow up ever hahaha...and they keep asking when am i gonna get married, when it's gonna be my tuurn...oh man, i dont even talk abt this sorta thing with anyone! can't imagine myself getting married to someone, but i can imagine the persandingan lah, i want ferrero roche for the kids and broocheas for the gurls and maybe pens for the guys..hahaha..and it has to be in blue and white decor...a lil preppy thou dont u think? Anyway since ive got like 40+ little cousins younger than me (and growing in numbers) i think ive got enuff kendarat to go ard! so fun! the gurls can cook n give away stuff n the guys shall be the logistics people and help set up everything. geez, who needs a wedding planner hahaha :)

okay sheesh i forgot how de-stressing blogging can be :) *yay* byes people up for a ultra hectic week ahead!!

okay enuff crap for now

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