Monday, May 08, 2006

Sorry PM Lee...

It's not you, it's us Singaporeans. You speak of equality for all, why shouldn't that opportunity be extended to the political arena too? I'm glad ure happy with the 65% though.

it's times like these, I'M PROUD TO BE A SINGAPOREAN!! The votes came out really well. I LOVE ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO VOTED!! YOU'RE ALL DAMN COOL! Just the right amount to give PM Lee a mandate, while giving support to the opposition such that they'll gain confidence from the young for their cause. Juuust right. :)

And so anyway. I kinda split myself up into two today to talk to myself about the issue in my previous post. One emo side and one rationale side. And it's all settled...basically something about not expecting too much out of people, even thought they may really be able to give to you what you want, they may not choose to do so cause of...i don't know. So wells, and i figured i only wanted anything cause i wanted to understand myself better. and so, i don't hate anyone, but i still don't understand, but it's ok, that's why i'm human aren't i?

blissfully holiday'ed already:):)

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