Monday, October 30, 2006

This day could only get worse if

1) I blew up my leg or half my body in an uncleared landmine

2) The roof over my head collapsed on my bed and remained that way for a week

3) There is a shortage of water supply and I have to go unbathed for a month ie. until the end of November

4) Nobody ever talks to me ever again and I lose all my friends because I've turned into a totally revolting low life no personality homo sapien

5) I realise in the future that I'll never ever get married (editted: actually eh, this won't be that bad)

Gee. I guess the day COULD get a lot worse.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Of Raya, Reality and Rendering myself Useful

I think I speak too early. But more about that later.

Hari Raya was a totally HOT affair this year. Coupled with the fact that it came in the point in time where CAs and assignments were wayy off, it was a relaxing affair. Shiok.

Best part (1) :
Before we left for Nenek's, my mom cooked lontong for the neighbours. 1 door to the right and 3 doors to the left. The reality is that we don't usually even talk much before this. But upon receiving the delicious gifts in the morning they responded with $40 worth of hongbaos(!!!) and a huge hamper of chocolate/choc-coated cookies and the likes. Now it feels so much easier to communicate off-hand. Racial harmony's in the air people!

Best part (2) :
Had a heart to heart with my aunt who's totally HOT. (note: not in the conventional sense, but in the sense that you know some people that you can just click with without trying too hard?) So yea she kinda gave me good advice that i'd need in the near future. Like whether I should send my kids to madrasahs, since all her 3 girls are in madrasah, she's got 7 kids btw. (haha, kidding. that's for my Islam essay-I'm doing on the madrasah system as a reflection of Malays attitude towards knowledge. So like since it's due after rayer, I wanted to interview my relatives and use them as subjects/specimens. haaa.>_<) Everyone needs a mentor every now and then, don't you agree?

Best part (3) : We took mass pictures at my Nenek's. It's so amazing to see how each family has progressed and grown since that all started. My sister was watching the scene of adults, kids and the old couple in the middle waiting patiently for everyone to arrange themselves around them and commented," I think we can all move to a totally isolated part of Malaysia and start a new kampung there." hukhukhuk!! For the record, my nenek and atuk are currently the proud grandparents of 40 young souls and counting...

The rest of the day was spent covering my dad's side with his brothers as the mass movement of people from one house to another just makes it so much cooler, and there's fewer ppl to visit. My mom's side would take the rest of the Syawal month. haaaa.

And so, with the depressing mark of my latest science test (immuno) I've realised that I can't be vague about my answers anymore. It's either I know or I don't know. And reality is right now I don't know much. It felt strange to share with someone the real reasons why I decided to take this course, however much they've been changing through the years since year one, I just find more and more reasons to stay on this track. But it felt just wrong to know at the same time I'm not doing justice by actually putting in my all. Like you know, just berbualling werld. I know I'm capable of more if I just put myself into it.

"There's a light at the far end of this tunnel..." -Breathe, Anna Nalick

And doing housework can be totally tiring, but fun! I almost don't want my maid to come backkk.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


So far this sem's CA results been pretty decent, not exactly up there in the yani and zati stratosphere (haha:P) but alright. Much better than previous semesters anyways. SO yeap, I'm glad.

Lately things have been pretty crazy around the house cause my maid's enjoying her hari raya in indon for the year! that leaves the household pretty much having to do the cooking, washing and cleaning for the next few weeks. which is pretty much what we should be doing given that there are 5 adult kids in the house. ok lah, only me above 21. the rest 19, 15, 13, 10 but we should be independent already to do everything at our own accord. the thing is we've been so accomodated to a maid since young that we find other things to do with our free time. (ok, excuses, i know).

but anyway, the division of labour(just for today) goes like this (includes hari raya prep): me-washing clothes. my 13 yr old sis and 10 yr old bro-painting my mom's room. my 19 yr old bro-painting the walls behind the house. my 15 yr old sis-sweeping the house. mom-clearing out the excess leaves in the garden. dad-repairing computers.

and i kinda volunteered to cook for the next 3 weeks. stop laughing people.
anybody who has any special recipes pls kindly reccommend to me if you don't mind.

Monday, October 16, 2006

hi. this is gonna be a very immature post. don't say i didn't give u warning first ok. (hehs. especially after reading elly's post on maturity) but i decided to write this even before i read that so anyway.

i am getting sick just thinking about the amount of work that i have to do. my classical complement system has finally kicked in cause finally my running nose/sniffles/horrible cough cough is gone! heh. apparently it won't be efficient enough to get rid of my psychological immune breakdown towards work. bummer. =(

ok the next time somebody calls me baik, i will personally remove all the air from the person's lungs, perform a slow and totally sin-inducing slaughter across the semi-permeable tymus gland at the bottom of the throat. basically that means i will literally kill you. i absolutely abhorrr that word ok. lemme give u three basic reasons why.
1. how in the world would you know something like that!
2. jadi kau macam aksyen terrer gitu ah jahat sangat! (so basically you're saying you're so much cooler than me by being bad?)
3. it makes me seem so one dimensional. you know? like boring. (but whether that's true is another matter altogether la) but if that's true then why don't you just say it instead of using politically correct words such as baik??

and everytime i pass them, i get a reminder of a blast of memories from the past that i'm not particularly proud of. it's not exactly something that people would be bothered with, so i'm not exactly sure whyy it bothers me, but it does, it does. *pouts*

ok i'm done here. have a wonderful week ahead all you wonderful people. i hope that doesn't sound too sarcastic cause it's not meant to be ok! ok i'm done here bye.

Monday, October 09, 2006

And so she stood there, with so much conviction in her "InsyaALLAH". And i grew impatient, knowing she might not keep the promise to see through her daughter's PSLE home revision, given her heavy schedule overseeing the tiny shop selling basic necessities, beyond her primary duty of taking care of her two young school-going girls. All on her own, nonetheless. With health depleting and surviving on the kindness of others, she's a picture of simplicity and neglect in a fast, materialistic and self-absorbed world.

Yet,twinge of guilt hit upon reflection that that word was uttered in such deep and pure conviction...It may not be sufficient through my eyes, but she might be giving her all in teaching her kids. Who am I to judge dammit. I'm just the measely tuition teacher. Through her simple ways, she's taught me more that I could ever teach her kids math, science or english. Purity of the heart is not a simple thing to obtain in a materialistic world. Let's not neglect the inner spirit for the outer, not ignore our surrounding circumstances either.

last 15 days of Ramadhan...

And I'm already in slacking mode.