Monday, October 16, 2006

hi. this is gonna be a very immature post. don't say i didn't give u warning first ok. (hehs. especially after reading elly's post on maturity) but i decided to write this even before i read that so anyway.

i am getting sick just thinking about the amount of work that i have to do. my classical complement system has finally kicked in cause finally my running nose/sniffles/horrible cough cough is gone! heh. apparently it won't be efficient enough to get rid of my psychological immune breakdown towards work. bummer. =(

ok the next time somebody calls me baik, i will personally remove all the air from the person's lungs, perform a slow and totally sin-inducing slaughter across the semi-permeable tymus gland at the bottom of the throat. basically that means i will literally kill you. i absolutely abhorrr that word ok. lemme give u three basic reasons why.
1. how in the world would you know something like that!
2. jadi kau macam aksyen terrer gitu ah jahat sangat! (so basically you're saying you're so much cooler than me by being bad?)
3. it makes me seem so one dimensional. you know? like boring. (but whether that's true is another matter altogether la) but if that's true then why don't you just say it instead of using politically correct words such as baik??

and everytime i pass them, i get a reminder of a blast of memories from the past that i'm not particularly proud of. it's not exactly something that people would be bothered with, so i'm not exactly sure whyy it bothers me, but it does, it does. *pouts*

ok i'm done here. have a wonderful week ahead all you wonderful people. i hope that doesn't sound too sarcastic cause it's not meant to be ok! ok i'm done here bye.

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