Wednesday, October 24, 2007

what is means to be a Melayu

You know being part of a culture usually means you're part unaware that what you are is manifesting all around you in such a natural phenomenon that the whole point of it being a natural phenomenon is that you're unable to take it out of context and essentialise it without reducing it to something totaly different than what it was.

It's like a china pheasant in the middle of nowhere rearing his cows, or a German technocrat experiencing the overwhelming wealth that only 20% of this world truly has. It's indescribable unless it is percieved from an outsider's eyes.

But once in a while, it takes certain special individuals to make me realise the beauty of what it means to be Malay.

Dengan kelembutan gaya selamba
keserasian dengan melodi dan tempo lagu
menghayati lirik dengan penuh hiba, makna dan gusto
mengilhamkan budaya pementasan yang berwibawa

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