Friday, May 18, 2007

The jobsearch process

ok I should really blog this out before it gets faded in the memory...:)
*brushes cobwebs off my blog*

And so for the last 3 days I've been working with this advertising company. Yeah it's totally different from my degree, but I figured I should try something that I've never tried before. And they were pretty keen on me too, a varied work experience in customer service at different levels and active CCA experience throughout your school years never hurt anyone.

So i totally loved the culture there. LOVED LOVED LOVED. It was an SME, so the people are pretty close, and since it's a face-to-face marketing company, their people are the essential resources of the company. It focuses a LOT on training, and learning from each other. I know it sounds like a very idealistic culture, but this is actually the case, and is implemented from managerial level down to the newest trainee-to-be. So the mornings would be full of trainings, trainings and more trainings, and a funny cheering session. Everyone gets involved, and it's like some kinda cheer-leading team. Plus the whole training structure was solid, and they were undergoing masive growth. Each person had their own individual goals and were enamoured by a supporting team around them.

But as much as I completely LOVED the learning culture, the essence of the job required me to do direct sales. And even though it would equip me with a lot of skills I would love to learn, I just felt I wanted to learn something more academically inclined, and not so much people skills, cause I believe that can be picked up without active training. Plus, I have this strong feeling that I really cannot convince people to buy something that they have a 50-50 stand on. I'd prefer to support people to buy what they need, rather than what they might not necessarily need. Practicality in business.

maybe childhood education would be worth a try. I'd love to set up an islamic montessori programme. yay:)

and thanks to my new phone, I've picked up a new hobby...
check out the pics!

-ok blogspot not working! pics next time!-

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