Tuesday, January 03, 2006


i pledge not to be an outright bitch this semester.
ok, not that ive been one, but i can impatient at times to ppl who are really too patient towards me. You know who you are.
I must must must must not take ppl close to me for granted anymore.

Anyway, I dont really do yearly updates anymore. Since my birthday coincides with the first week of every semester 1, I tend to start anew at that period of time, so yup my resolutions are still in the running.

Anyhows, this (academic year) I'm proud to know tt the little voice inside my head has grown louder. that little voice aint so overwhelmed and moven out and exasperated by the cacaphony of voices in my head anymore.

so yeay. and i've come to realise with everything that's given to you,
God has actually tailor made your challenges, especially for you.
There's no other way to see it.
Interwoven your parchment of threads into the web of life.
Everyone, together.
But your thickness of thread (passion), your colour of thread (intention)and material (actions) are mostly determined by you.
Not that He doesn't know all that.
But ultimately, You have a choice.

I pledge to be less influenced by hedonism this year.
Hedonism. word of january 2006. hehe.

How can we find ways to make stuff interesting and fun but learn at the same time?
and my little bro shall be my experimental "rat". wee hehe..

everytime i come back from the holdays i get so swiped up by romantic ideas (its the scenery i tell you, it's so out of this world that u tend to think of alternatives) that i kinda leave the world tt im living in until i get run over by reality i lose hope so fast the nostalgia evaporates quickly.

so this time, i tried to get back to reality while hope was still there.
and i realise: that i still need time to think it over.
but hedonistic attitudes must not persist.


told u tt little voice was creeping out on me.


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