Friday, July 28, 2006

Bio geeks (or anyone else for that matter) check this out:

In other Hadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW), it is narrated
"When 42 nights have passed over the Nutfah, Allah sends an Angel to it, who shapes it and makes its ears, eyes, skin, flesh, and bones. Then he says, "Oh Lord is it male or female?"And your Lord decides what he wishes and then the angel records it.
It is interesting to note that the Angels ask Allah,"is it male or female?" Although the gender of the embryo is determined at fertilization the morphological characteristics of the male and female only begin to develop at the 7th week and visible at 9 weeks. The query noted by the Angels matches modern day observations.

Hmmm...does that mean we can still change our genes after fertilisation? Or this is how there would be confusion over the sex of some people? I dunnow seh.

Anyway, to know more abt stuffs related to this, click here:

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Buatku Tersenyum-Sheila on 7

Datanglah sayang dan biar aku berbaring
biarpun 'tuk sejenak
Usaplah dahiku dan kan kukatakan semua
Bila ku lelah tetaplah di sini
Jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri
Bila ku marah biarkan aku bersandar
Jangan kau pergi untuk menghindar

Rasakan resahku dan buat aku tersenyum dengan canda tawamu
Walaupun 'tuk sekejap
Karna hanya engkaulah yang sanggup redakan aku
Karna engkau satu satunya untukku
Dan pastikan kita selalu bersama
Karna dirimulah yang sanggup mengerti aku
Dalam susah ataupun senang


Dapatkah engkau selalu menjagaku
Dan mampukah engkau mempertahankanku

Bila ku lelah tetaplah di sini
Jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri
Bila ku marah biarkan aku bersandar
Jangan kau pergi untuk menghindar

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This is how my new timetable is gonna look like...with a timetable like this, who needs a life? :)
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This is all of those who came for MS Appreciates...they say a picture tells a thousand words...but I'm still trying to figure out what sarah is trying to say...haha.. thanks you all for gracing the event...hope you all enjoyed it!

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This is the group of people who've I've gotten to know better over the past year...from strangers to work mates to friends:) I'll post more mushy stuff on them after AGM...when it gets full time to reminiscence...all the squabbles and fights over what we feel is most right...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
yes yes...we dont exactly look the most garang (fierce) at ths moment...we still listen to different voices in our head...thus the bimbo poses cum garang poses cum hooray hooray poses...

These are some of the people under Human Enrichment secretariat 05/06...they contributed in BIIIG and smallll ways and the year has progressed so fast. NOw they're one year older already... *sobs* they all grow so faaast...
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Take a look behind the scenes at the celebrations once it was over...

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One of our most dedicated members who took excruciating pain to come down and make sure arabic class is alright...look at the relived look on her face now that its all over...and seems like she's got good things to be extra happy abt also..hmmm...hahaha.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

When love and hate collide

ok enough of my sister *pushes her aside*

I just wish sometimes you'd really find out for yourself and decide what's best for you...instead of listening too much to your friends. Feeling lost and alone is one thing, doing what's totally wrong for you is another. I should know, I felt the same things you went through too. Albeit with less guy problems. But until u grow to know whats best, I'd keep having to keep an eye over you. I think only Dee really understands me in these things.. Being the eldest in a huge family.

I had this huge sentimental poem that I wrote in my head when I woke up, in lieu of the past few days. But come to think about it now, I feel just plain stupid. Stupid Stuupid Stuuupid.

But then again, nobody would have any idea of what I'm talking about. And I do think its nice. So here goes...

I hate the way you look at me and seem to totally understand me for who I am.

I'd rather be complexed and misunderstood, and you're not helping.

I hate the way you talk confidently about everything and anything, like you can go on for hours at a time.

It makes me feel like everyting can be alright with the world, if I only believe HARD and try.

I hate the way you seem to feel totally at ease around me.

I'm used to people keeping their distance, it keeps us both from getting potentially hurt.

I hate the way you make me feel.

I'm not used to this.


Anyway, I think based on Ms universe results, the world aint ready yet for Asian beauties. But i think this year has been a record 3 in the top 20. woohoo=) but yea, japan like so totally had the right answer, and she should have been ms universe, even thou puerto rico's answer was good too. But puerto rico was gorgeous and conventionally pretty by ms universe standards.. i think latinos just have this conventional sex appeal that's so in your face. asians tend to be a bit more reserved, and i'm glad. hehe. ms japan had that individualist flavour going for her that's not really asian...

and their national constumes and evening gowns are SO pretty! My favourite: trinidad and tobago. Any gurl would feel goorgeous just wearing that dress.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Time now is 1115am on Wed, 19th June. in the office.
I'm so balled up right now i can just blow. this is nothing personal towards anyone, but i need to let this all out.

see, my sister brought home two of her friends on saturday night. that, i don't mind. but the thing is, she brought them home at TWO freaking am in the morning, without any warning whatsoever that she'll even be back late what more letting two other girls in the house, and she wasn't even respectful about it, happily saying HI! brightly to me as though it was the most common thing in the world. I got freaking pissed. I mean, you don't even respect my parents enough to call, to let them know that you're coming home late, secondly and more importantly, that you're bringing friends over, thirdly, that they happen to want to sleep over, and that's not on their own accord, but on YOUR invitation, as though our house is a free come and go girl's shelter, and fourthly, you have the CHEEEK to kick me out of OUR room the following 2 nights after that just because you and your freaking friend wants to use MY bed. like helloe??? hospitality to your friend, yes, but at the expense of your two sisters?? that was OUR bed for heaven's sakes! how do you expect us to graciously welcome your friend when you automatically ASSUME, without even asking nicely or respecting our need for SOME sorta decorum or privacy, that we'd give up our bed to TOTAL strangers? You didn't even introduce your friend, albeit at two am on the first day, or the next day when all three of you woke up at twelve, when half the house were already up and running and out of the house. Aper nie, rumah kau sendiri ker per?

I'm just so freaking pissed at my sister. And this brings up two points:

1. I'm generalising now. Sometimes, I just feel that with so much wealth, our moral boundaries become blurred. we feel like the world owes us something, we feel like we can have anything we'd want at the blink of an eye. Beyond that, we EXPECT a greater sense of respect and importance from others. my point is, just because you're rich, doesn't make you of greater importance that others who have less. And this is where it gets sticky. Simply because that's the way the world works. And i'm feeling real disgusted about it. Just because you're born into a world of wealth, where assumptions are the right, approved by societals norms, it gives you the greater edge than others to be confident of what you believe in, of what you perceive. So the stronger the perception of the perceiver, and the weaker the perception of the one being perceived, the more realistic that perception would become something normal to everyone.

Like the Arabs being rich and exclusive for example. Like please. *rolls eyes* Sometimes I just feel sick by the way some Arabs are SOOO proud of their heritage and place it above others, like some sorta exclusive tribe, with days of glory from yesteryear. Open your eyes and look at the situation now. My dad's half Arab, btw, so like, I'm criticising myself too, ok?

2. I'm confused towards my attitude for this people-the people that my sis brought home. Like, ok, I'm giving up my bed for this girl who doesn't have a decent bed to sleep in back home. She's stressed up with family problems and was at her breaking point already after holding it in for 7 years. So like, my sister has by default made me do a good thing. But like, why do i feel like I've lost some form of sense of self-respect?


Now that I"ve let that all out, I feel so much better. anyway, came home early yesterday and reclaimed my bed back. The rest of us siblings locked her out of the room instead and destressed ourselves singing our lungs out and shioking sendiri with exaggerated expressions, and of course the usual feet massages. So yes, I had my bed back yesterday. And a good talk with my parents on everything that's pissifying in the house.

Cakaplah aper kau nak, aku dah tak perduli ah org2 berbuih macam kau.

Frankly, I do learn a lot from my sister.

Our fights keep my pondering healthily about my status quo.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i am one confused soul at this point in time. Like TOTALLY, Urgh.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. But what if there's like totally nothing in the first place?

Then that's called Shiok sendiri, kak.

Aheh heh..

uhuh eh.

***bangs head against the wall***
i know i haven't been updating many meaningful posts ever since last month, haven't really gotten the time to post thoughtful stuffs since ive been coming home late many2 and well...somestuffs at home aint really gg that smooth. but anyhows, i seriously miss all of those people that i used to hang ard dude. like totally serious. so if i happen to call you PICK UP OK! coz it's time to chill out soooooon! cya guys ard. i won't know when i'll be back.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Standing for what you believe in regardless of the odds against you,and the pressure that tears at your resistance...

is Courage.
Keeping a smile on your face when inside you feel like dying,for the sake of supporting others...

is Strength.
Stopping at nothing and doing what's in yourheart that you know is right...

is Determination.
Doing more than is expected, to make another's life a little more bearable,without uttering a single complaint...

is Compassion.
Helping a friend in need, no matter the time or effort,to the best of your ability...

is Loyalty.
Holding your head high
And being the best you know you can be when lifeseems to fall apart at your feet,Facing each difficulty with the confidence thattime will bring you better tomorrows,And never giving up......
is Confidence.

Hold your head high and make your life better every day!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

While trying to find songs to suit the background of a presentation I'm doing for a Fatwa video for the Mobile Van(I know, how hard can it get to find a song that goes with slides on Fatwa), I came across this.

She's got solid vocals man. Gosh I wish I could sing like her, then I'd go waheeda style and perform. hahax.=)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Yesterday spent the night overnighting in school due to a late meeting at YIH...last minute decided to stayover in school...which was a right decision cause the girls, minus the unsolatables had a "Qiyyam" session dishing out personal stuffs, and after subuh we had a "kuliah subuh" that really really moved me, led by Anah...

THis holidays are churning out more poignant and meaningful moments than expected, and I really hope the lessons learnt will never be forgotten...ever. =)