Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This is how my new timetable is gonna look like...with a timetable like this, who needs a life? :)
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This is all of those who came for MS Appreciates...they say a picture tells a thousand words...but I'm still trying to figure out what sarah is trying to say...haha.. thanks you all for gracing the event...hope you all enjoyed it!

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This is the group of people who've I've gotten to know better over the past year...from strangers to work mates to friends:) I'll post more mushy stuff on them after AGM...when it gets full time to reminiscence...all the squabbles and fights over what we feel is most right...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
yes yes...we dont exactly look the most garang (fierce) at ths moment...we still listen to different voices in our head...thus the bimbo poses cum garang poses cum hooray hooray poses...

These are some of the people under Human Enrichment secretariat 05/06...they contributed in BIIIG and smallll ways and the year has progressed so fast. NOw they're one year older already... *sobs* they all grow so faaast...
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Take a look behind the scenes at the celebrations once it was over...

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One of our most dedicated members who took excruciating pain to come down and make sure arabic class is alright...look at the relived look on her face now that its all over...and seems like she's got good things to be extra happy abt also..hmmm...hahaha.
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