Thursday, June 07, 2007

for all its worth, it was worth all the while

Sometimes I wonder if it's all that much worth it.
For all the times, the joys, the friendships and ties that bond.
So much has changed, so little has stayed the same in the passage of time.
For now it's a fine ground between what I really want and how I know it can benefit old friendships.

You never needed me there in the first place.
And that trust I had in the friendship was just washed away in the trickling stream of time.

Things change.
People change.
Mindsets change.

And for all it's worth, it was worth all the while.

I have people I trust, people I know really take me for who I am.
And maybe I enjoy their company cause I don't have to try so hard.
Try so hard to what?
That, I'm not exactly sure.
To what ends, I ask.
For that, I have yet to find an answer.


yani said...

"..benefit old friendships" ?

do what you deem fit, what your heart says you should, what you are comfortable with.

never feel obliged to do sthg for the sake of 'old friendship'.

because once it reaches that point, once it becomes an obligation.. the 'old friends' have already lost you.

and that breaks my heart.

Siti Aisyah said...

i was generalising actually, so this post was really nothing personal

honestly im not exactly sure i understand where u're coming from. If u choose to look at it microscopically,I have a strong feeling that this obligatory thingy is mutual.

this is an about turn on my part, i know.

and on another note. obligations don't necessarily come with negative connotations.

if people aren't obligated in relationships there wud be a lot more divorces and broken families tdy.

frenship is worthy of an obligation if both parties benefit. emotionally, spiritually, what have yous.