Thursday, August 03, 2006

I tend to follow the ALL or NOTHING law in many things that I do. And that applied to my birthday this year too.

I think as you grow older, birthdays become an excuse to meet up with old friends, catch up on more than just a superficial " hey, we should meet up sometime!"...and have time to reflect on yourself and where you'd like to see yourself in the upcoming year. It's nice, and I really should take advantage of it. I'd talk to my parents abt having a gathering next weekend, hopefully, coz this weekend it couldnt happen due to exco incoming exco training. Which I'm looking forward to coz it's the lastest exco project and it's for the next exco! wee*~~*

So today I spent talking to myself and thinking things through. I had a good time, you, so like, it was all gooood.

New resolutions:
to become a better sister, more respectful daughter, more focus in my studies.
and listen to myself more. this one very impt.

Spent time on the phone chatting to bestest frens Dee and Sha. =) Realistic expectations dialectic approaches again.

Dee came over later to pass me my presents. AND MY BROTHER CAME HOME! MY first wish of the day was for my family to spend more time together. so *yay*. Apparently he got home earlier this weekend coz he's got to leave for brunei come National day. =(

Thanks yous:
Sha, Dee, Marls, Tuty, Azura, Filzah, Yani, Mars, Diana, Yana, Norsha, Zati, Azhar, Ridhwan, Nura, Fatma, Khai, Khai & Elly for wishing me happy birthday! =) Filzah and Ridhwan were so funny lah! They were like..."Semoga ditemukan jodoh dengat cepat dan bahagia selalu.." huk huk...Anyway asked the Ustaz LOve as he's better known on these kinda things and what he said hit me...Jodoh and Ajal are all already tersirat in LUh Mahfuz, you can't change these things. It's just a matter of gg for it when the time's right. And even he can't give me a generalised answer to "the right time". it's like to each their own. Interesting eh? haha.

Disclaimer: Not that I'm going for anyone okay. It's just that...sometimes...people just wish too hard or try to hard on these kinda things, you know? Like in The Lake House. You wait, in time, it'll come, all in time.

So in all, my 21st wasnt a noisy one like most, just a private one with close ones. With a lot of personal thoughts to myself. Well, what were you expecting? A foam party??! =)

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