Saturday, July 30, 2005

When Mentally Constipated, Quizzle Thyself :)

Are You Nosy?
Nosy Level: 80%

You have a wild and crazy imagination, and this can lead you to being very nosy as you strive to check out whether your theories are true. You get very occupied with your own thoughts and create fantastic stories out of the things that you think are happening in people's lives. It might be a good idea to concentrate more on your own life.

WAKA. At least i have a wild and crazy IMAGINATION. Can be used to entertain myself when bored. oh wells.

The Bus
Here is the analysis:

You are more concerned with yourself rather than with others. Superficially, you are a quiet and imaginative person. As you choose to sit at the back, you can converse with your friends although you do not talk a lot.

ok. this quizzes are getting kinda restrictive.

A murder in your town
Here is the analysis:

You had a dream when you were young. For you, having friends is important, so you have a lot of close friends who share the same dream and interest. You and your life companion have similar personalities.

WAKAKA. Fairly true. BUt I just don't like the way they summarise everyone in a few sentences! People are much more complicated than that! Erg!

The Mass Communicator
You have a cheerful personality and you are a naturally kind person. Your hidden talent isn't really that hidden at all: you shine among a crowd. You would make an ideal news announcer, flight attendant or model - any position that would give you an opportunity to deal with plenty of people. A tip for you is to avoid getting too deeply involved in others' personal lives - otherwise you might find yourself constantly being asked for help.

okay I love dealing with people, but I don't think I'm damn cheerful.

Who is your dream guy?
Here is the analysis:

Unlike most others, he walk on his own path. He's creative and willing to learn about anything. Music and movies are his favorites. He's kind to everyone. You can feel his inner beauty through his words. He's comfortable among a circle of friends. He's looking for someone to share his hobbies.

Rite. Anyone has a link to a quiz on how to GET Mr Oh-so-perfect-one?

Last one..

How well will u survive in this wild world?

Here is the analysis:

You often give up before you really get things started. You may come up with a project and hand it over to someone else even before you give it a try. This is usually how you ignore the opportunity to succeed. Why don't you gather your guts and try to complete it on your own. Remember that every journey has to begin with the first step. Go for it!

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