Thursday, June 22, 2006

Jgn Ambik Baju Kakak!

The previous post wasn't to undermine our Malay/Muslim leaders, it was simply to propose an alternative viewpoint to the mainstream one I've been subjected to so far. At this level, it's just not enough that we simply react passively to any form of information that we come across. The article just serves to articulate an alternative voice from an individual that's unhappy with the community's political leaders. Maybe he's got points of his own and he's got the right to speak his mind.

However, as Muslims, we can't judge someone's intentions by their superficial actions and generalise their actions to superimpose a negative identity upon them. This goes towards both parties involved.

Realistically, all we could possibly do is to do something within our own means, whether it might be as an individual or as a group of friends.

And usually, it's really something that goes beyond what you've thought of, if you ponder along creative lines well enough.



I've been having wierd dreams of late, the latest one being my sister taking away all my clothes and putting them aside close to a Kedai Mama shop near my Nenek's house. And the Mama was breeding several types of pets that include hamsters, rabbits and guinea pigs that have all escaped from their cages when I came down to retrieve my clothes.

I think that stemmed from my fear of my sister intruding into my personal space now that she's all growing up so fast. Plus a certain loss of the familiar now that so many things have changed around me in the past few months. And maybe something to do with animal rights for freedom too.

This morning was funny with me and my youngest sister waking up together and both of us dragging ourselves out of bed to watch the Netherlands vs Argentina match. (Which kinda rocked, btw). At the risk of sounding like a real amateur, I think the way they played was gorgeous, the pace was so fast! But somehow the ability to shoot a goal within such stress and pressure got to the players and none of the shots on target goaled. I was rooting for the underdogs, and since Netherlands possessed the ball for most of the first half, I wanted Argentina to win..but the Netherlands defence proved unpenetrable, like they were playing netball or sthg, the way every Argentinian striker was marked so well. Just minus the hands being splayed all over the faces of the Argentinian players like netballers usually do.
The funniest thing was both of us fell asleep during half time and woke up when the match was close to over. And that our soccer crazy brother was fast asleep in his own bed. My sister even called up her friends to make sure they were awake to watch the match. haha.

The World Cup makes girls do wierd things :)

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